Research is so vital in keeping the momentum going in the bullying prevention community. Proven results are the best way to ensure change. Look through these studies, some of which include published research studies from our own team of experts, to find what is driving our efforts forward.
Below are relevant research articles written by HEAR authors that require a subscription from the listed publications to access:
Making school a calmer place to learn.
Bouffard, S.M.
Harvard Education Letter
Educators' social and emotional skills vital to learning.
Jones, S.M., Bouffard, S.M., & Weissbourd, R.
Phi Delta Kappan Magazine
Preparing Students for Romantic Relationships (2013).
Weissbourd, R., Peterson, A., & Weinstein, E.
Phi Delta Kappan Magazine
Understanding the psychology of bullying: Moving toward a social-ecological diathesis–stress model.
Swearer, Susan M.; Hymel, Shelley
American Psychologist, Vol 70(4), May-Jun 2015, 344-353.
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