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HEAR monitors news about bullying and efforts to combat it. Below are some recent articles that stand out and resonate with the HEAR approach.
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How medical professionals are teaming up to fight bullying
Yakima Herald
April 14, 2016
In Yakima, Washington, medical professionals have made a big push in the last few years to integrate mental and behavioral health with medical services. Behavioral health specialists and medical practitioners are housed in the same building making it easier for clients to access both types of services when needed.
SPLC Survey: Presidential Campaign Leading to Widespread Fear, Bullying in Schools
Southern Poverty Law Center
April 13, 2016
An online survey conducted by the SPLC’s Teaching Tolerance project from March 23 to April 2 provides informal information about the impact of this year’s election on the country’s classroom. The data, including 5,000 comments from educators, shows a disturbing nationwide problem, and found that the campaign is producing an alarming level of fear and anxiety among children of color and inflaming racial and ethnic tensions in the classroom.
Inside The Blind Side Actor Quinton Aaron’s Anti-Bullying Crusade
April 14, 2016
In 2012, 31-year old actor Quinton Aaron created The Aaron Quinton Foundation, an anti-bullying organization. Aaron holds rallies in school auditoriums and gymnasiums, telling personal stories and giving advice. Aaron became famous after he started in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side” alongside Sandra Bullock.
Why we must stop saying ‘boys will be boys’
The Washington Post
April 14, 2016
In this parenting article, Mary Widdicks, mother and freelance writer for the Washington Post, comments on her thoughts around the statement “boys will be boys,” and cautions parents that there difference between accepting developmental speed bumps and tolerating them.
Student film draws attention to bullying, power of kindness
ABC 10 (CA)
April 13, 2016
Lindsey Hunter, a freshman at Folsom High School, directs a short film entitled “Silent”, a story about a deaf student who is bullied by her fellow students, and the revelation one student has seeing the impact of bullying. The video has already gained 1,400 shares and more than 62,000 views since it was posted to Facebook last Monday.
Teachers Fail To Stop Bias-Based Bullying; What Should Schools Do To End This Issue?
Parent Herald
April 12, 2016
A recent report by EconoTimes finds that teachers fail to respond to “Bias-based” or “identity-based” bullying, bullying that is based on one’s race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, socioeconomic status or weight. Also included are recommendation for teacher training to stop bullying in the classroom.
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